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Keeping You and Your Family Healthy
With 24/7 access to a GP

Giving you and your family 24/7 access to a fully qualified GP for £25 per year.

Many people are struggling to access basic health care and get an appointment to discuss their health with their GP. There is little evidence to suggest that this position will improve in the coming months.

Having access to a GP is essential for effectively managing your health. Regular GP appointments provide critical medical assessment and alleviate the worry associated with health concerns. Timely access to a GP ensures prompt diagnosis and treatment, offering peace of mind and preventing minor issues from becoming major concerns. This accessibility is crucial for maintaining overall well-being, both physically and mentally.

The 24/7 GP service is provided by 1Stop4aGP and will provide you and your family with access to a GMC registered, currently practising GP available on a 24/7 basis via phone or video call. There are no limits to consultation times, you can speak for as long as you need. Any prescriptions arising from the consultation can be sent directly your home or workplace.

1Stop4aGP key service benefits:

  • 24/7 GP appointment service via phone or video.
  • No time limit during appointments and no limit to the number of consultations.
  • All immediate family in the household covered.
  • Worldwide access, helping you wherever you are.
  • Electronic Private Prescriptions delivered directly to home or workplace.
  • All 1Stop4aGP doctors are GMC registered, licensed and fit to practice.

The service is not a replacement for your own NHS GP. You may still need to see your own NHS GP or contact
the emergency services if the doctor feels that it is necessary.

The GP telephone consultation service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The online doctor service is available from 8am – 10pm, 7 days a week.

View our Guide here.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you tell me more about your GPs and what checks they undergo?
Our doctors are recruited via a rigorous two stage interview process with our Chief Medical Officer and HR vetting procedures, which ensure that GPs are qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable to an equivalent standard to your own GP. Our minimum criteria requires that our GPs: + are currently practising in the NHS as a GP and have at least 2 years’ experience + are on The GMC register + have a Bachelor of Medicine Degree, those who qualified after 2007 must be Members of the Royal College of GPs + complete an annual NHS appraisal + have an enhanced DBS background check + provide complete document evidence that they are suitably qualified + provide at least 2 references to support their skills and experiences.

Once recruited, the GPs are continuously monitored to ensure they maintain their skills to the highest standards. All our GPs complete an annual NHS appraisal to review their practise and performance. Our Quality Management System incorporates policies and procedures, consistent with best NHS practise, and each GP’s performance is continually audited. This auditing includes reviewing key documents to ensure all GP’s knowledge, skills and registration are up to date. We hold bi-annual doctor meetings with our clinical team to maintain good engagement, share best practice and help to continually raise our standards of care and service. In addition to ongoing internal auditing, our GPs’ clinical notes are also reviewed by an independent external organisation called Clinical Guardian.

Does the Service meet Care Quality Commission Standards?
Our service is regulated by the Care Quality Commission for the delivery of medical services, in the “Digital Healthcare” category. Our most recent CQC inspection was conducted by a GP, Clinical Pharmacist and CQC Registered Inspector who provided an overall rating of “Good”.
What is the CQC?
The Care Quality Commission monitors, inspects and regulates hospitals, care homes, GP surgeries, dental practices, and other care services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety. To get to the heart of patients’ experiences of care and treatment, CQC evaluates service providers across five categories relating to safety, effectiveness, caring, responsiveness to patient need and leadership.
How do I connect to the 1Stop4aGP service?
Simply phone the number provided within your membership pack and you will be requested to provide the name of the organisation on your membership pack. You will be connected to a GP immediately or you will receive a call back from a GP at a mutually agreed time.
Is there is any time limit on a 1Stop4aGP consultation?
There is no time limit on the call you have with our GP giving plenty of time to discuss your issues and medical history in detail.
Is there any restriction in the number of times I can use the service during the year?
There is no restriction on the number of times the service can be accessed during the year.
Can the 1Stop4aGP Doctor issue a prescription?
Yes. A prescription service is available and prescriptions can be delivered to an address of your choice, usually by next day.
Do I need to pay for any prescriptions?
You will be quoted a price which comprises the cost of the drugs and a small delivery charge. If you decide to accept, payment will be taken by credit/debit card. If an expensive drug is required you can elect to be referred back to your own GP and access the drugs at the standard prescription charge.
Can I trust the 1Stop4aGP service?
All our doctors are currently practicing NHS GPs conforming to the same professional standards as your own GP.
What happens if I need further treatment?
If you have private medical insurance (PMI) you can get an immediate referral to your provider for further treatment. If you do not have PMI, you will be referred back to your own GP for an urgent consultation.
Do I have to leave my GP to use the 1Stop4aGP service?
No. Our service works in conjunction with GP and is designed to give you and your family quick access to an NHS GP 24/7. This gives you peace of mind and an early diagnosis or referral to the NHS for treatment.
If I need to seek a second consultation will I be able to access the same GP?
We cannot guarantee you will speak to the same GP on future calls but records of previous consultations will be available.
Are records kept of my consultation with the 1Stop4aGP Doctor?
Yes. All our patient consultations are recorded.
If the 1Stop4aGP Doctor prescribes drugs, how do I know that they will be compatible with other medication I may be taking?
Our GP will ask you to confirm what medication you are currently taking but in the event of any doubts we will always refer you back to your own GP for an early consultation.
I have an ongoing medical issue. Can I still speak to the 1Stop4aGP Doctor?
Yes. There are no exclusions on the use of our service.
I have Private Medical Cover. What use is this service to me?
By providing 24/7 access to an NHS GP we can ensure that you get more rapid access to your Private Medical Insurance if required.
I am uncomfortable with using alternative services to the NHS. Why should I use 1Stop4aGP?
Our service is fully integrated with the NHS, our doctors are all GMC registered practicing GPs and as such this is not an alternative but a support to NHS Primary Care. By enabling patients to speak to our GPs we take pressure off front line NHS services and 80% of the calls we take are resolved during the consultation either through the advice our doctors give and or through the issue of a prescription. Where more serious issues emerge, our service enables faster access to the appropriate specialists and treatment.
Will my own GP be made aware of what I discuss with the 1Stop4aGP Doctor?
All consultations with our GPs are recorded and if you give your consent the recording can be sent to your own GP facilitating early access to further treatment or an early referral to NHS specialists.
How reliable and effective is a remote GP consultation?
Remote GP consultations increased dramatically during the pandemic. This practice is here to stay however, it is accepted they will not replace the need for face-to-face appointments in certain circumstances. Both patients and GPs have become much more accustomed to online consultations and the key is recognising when a face-to-face appointment is required. Remote GP consultations are improving access to primary care.
How do I access the 1Stop4aGP 360 service?
Simply call the number you have been provided with and you will be connected to a clinically trained member of staff who will carry out an assessment and direct you to the relevant parts of the service.
What I find it difficult to discuss some issues?
As there are no time limits to our consultations, you will have all the time you need, and our staff will ensure you receive the care and support you require. We are here for you, for as long as it takes to successfully resolve your issues.
Will my employer find out what has been discussed?
No, all conversations, therapy sessions, and other treatments are confidential and no personal information is ever disclosed to your employer or any other third party.
Is it possible to discuss my problems face to face?
If your assessment identifies that counselling sessions are required, you will be given access to face to face sessions with a qualified and trained professional counsellor.
What if I need help and assistance but am unsure where to go?
Our 1Stop4aGP 360 service is designed to give support and resolution for a range of issues. Following your initial assessment, a Case Manager will be allocated to you and this person will check in with you regularly to ensure you are getting the help you need. This should ensure that you are getting the help that is right for you and gives you the peace of mind that this is being coordinated for you in mind.
What if my biggest concern relates to a family member?
Our 1Stop4aGP 360 service is also available to your immediate family living in the household at no extra cost. All they have to do to use the service is to quote your access instructions to the operator.
As a 1Stop4aGP 360 client, how do I access the different parts of the service if I require them?
When you enter the service, a Case Manager will be appointed to arrange the treatments you need, and this Manager will remain allocated to you until your issues are resolved to your satisfaction. If you need to use different elements of the service, your Case Manager will organise this for you, which eliminates any need to explain your issues to different service providers.
What percentage of people get sent back to their GP for further checks before receiving a prescription?
80% of all consultations are resolved on the call – whether that involves prescription or no prescription.
If I need a prescription will I be able to get on without being sent back for further referrals?
If a prescription is given during the remote consultation, no further referral is required, the prescription can be organised then and there.
Can a prescription be sent abroad?
Yes, a prescription can be sent abroad if required.
Can a prescription be sent to a nominated pharmacy?
Yes, a prescription can be sent to a nominated pharmacy for collection.
Is there a limit to the number of children that are covered by 'immediate family' policy?
As long as the child is resident at the primary address, they are included in the immediate family.